with 90+ degree weather! whew! I'm glad our car air conditioner is fixed... we are in west texas, by the way. here are some cute pics of deron and his friend aaron in the gator pool.
there's more to write about, but it'll have to come later.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
summer has sprung
Posted by
2:55 PM
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
our financial testimony
Has it really been a whole week since I last posted? Wow. I wish I was like Monica, my sister-in-law. She posts a minimum of 2 times a day. She is truly a pro-blogger. :)
I've been wanting to share our financial testimony with the blogosphere for a few weeks now, but haven't gotten it posted. Here it is, and it's only getting longer!
Katy and I first entered into financial covenant with God as a family a few years ago after we had both read The Blessed Life. We committed ourselves to honor God with the first 10% of all of our income and to seek aggressive ways to give beyond the tithe as well. When we first committed to this, both of us were unemployed and had little direction to our lives. Here’s a short description of the major areas that God has touched with His provision.
I worked for UPS as a seasonal assistant in late 2006 and was lead by the Holy Spirit to finish my degree. This was a daunting task since I had almost no money and was married with a young child. When talking to the business office at Hardin-Simmons, they convinced us that Katy should finish her degree as well. So the plan was to start again in the Spring of 2007, attending full time and Katy attending half time. We knew this is what the Lord wanted for us, so we took the step of faith to make it happen, taking out a small, subsidized student loan to cover what our grants and scholarships wouldn’t cover. This was exciting because the amount we had to borrow was very manageable... but little did we know that it would get much more exciting.
Our first semester back, we both did very well and were still very excited about our education. In that semester, I found out that we were eligible for even more grant money in the Fall and that I would receive quite a bit more in scholarships. It turns out that the extra money was enough to cover all of my expenses (books and all) and I now have the rest of my education completely covered by grants and scholarships! We were ecstatic about the Lord’s provision, but then He did something even greater. Katy wasn’t eligible for much of the financial aid the school offers because she is not attending full time, but we were prepared to make the sacrifice for her. Then, over the summer, a very generous family offered to pay for the rest of Katy’s education, books and all! We took them up on the offer. =)
During our transition back into school, God prepared a position for me on staff at Champions Church. This began as working 10 hours a week cleaning the building and setting up tables and chairs, but quickly grew into more responsibility as the church’s Technical Director, developing the career abilities that God has placed in me. This offered the flexible hours I needed to be a full-time student, father and husband. It had always been a dream of mine to work for a church as support staff, something not many people even know today.
We were renting a house from my parents at a very generous price, but decided it was time to declare into our family our own house and property, although it seemed completely impossible. Long story short, we have purchased a house in the area of town we wanted to live in for an unbelievable price and with 0% financing.
Abundance, Provision and Favor:
God’s blessing and His covenant never reaches an end. I was recently registering for the Fall and found out that the State of Texas decided to give me an additional $1,600 (just in time to fix our car). At an awards ceremony on April 22nd, I was named the Hardin-Simmons University 2008 Presser Scholar, an honor which is given to one student majoring in music each year and is accompanied by a $4,800 cash prize. There was a completely random envelope for me and Katy with $100 in it last week at a time when we would have over-drafted without it. I didn’t even realize it was that close until after I received the money, only to be amazed by God’s sovereign provision. In a period of less than 30 days, we will have received more than $7,500 in additional income.
All of this is only what we have received, but so much of God’s blessing has been what we have been able to give. We have been able to generously sew into the ministry of Champions Church and into the lives of others with what God has entrusted to us, seeing the Lord minister to them through our giving.
We truly have entered in to the blessed life, giving and receiving, and are excited to see where God takes us next!
Since this was written (only a couple of weeks ago), Philip has begun training for his promotion at work, handling all of the finances that come through the church. Also, he's co-heading up the new swim club acquisition that the church has bought. On top of that, last Thursday we sold our baby-grand piano after only having it posted for a short time and for the amount we desired! Praise God for His abundant blessings!
I hope this encourages you to sow into the Kingdom of God, and see Him richly bless you in return. God's laws are of sowing and reaping a harvest, and although there are most definitely seasons (of little and of much), there is such a reward for those who seek to honor Him with everything they have, including resources and money.
Posted by
2:02 PM
Tuesday, May 6, 2008

That night I got to have dinner with an old friend of mine, Kara. It was so good to see her and her family again!
Posted by
3:44 PM
Friday, May 2, 2008
tagged again.
okay, okay. since kara AND blaire tagged me this time, i guess i'd better keep it going...
4 jobs I have had in my life:
1. secretary at High-Tech Fotosign- my first REAL job
2. paid soloist at FUMC Abilene
3. cleaning lady at champions
4. file-clerk at 3 cardiovascular surgeons' office
4 movies I have watched more than once:
1. Dead Poet's Society
2. 13 Going on 30
3. Cars (the bug's current fave)
4. Toy Story 2 (the bug's old fave)
4 Places I have lived:
1. on Bunker Hill (I)
2. on Rogers (I)
3. on Beechwood (A)
4. on Woodard (A)
4 TV shows I watch:
1. LOST (did you see last night??)
2. Dragon (Sat AM)
3. My Friend Rabbit (Sat AM)
4. the News
4 Places I have been:
1. Vancouver, BC (honeymoon!)
2. Toronto
3. Mexico City
4. Beaver Lake, AR (many many many times)
4 of my favorite foods:
1. ice cream sundaes
2. pizza
3. stuffed chicken marsala
4. garlic bread
4 Places I would like to visit:
1. europe
2. asia
3. south america
4. africa (not to mention australia and antarctica, too)
4 Things I am looking forward to in the coming year
1. having another little one
2. graduating next May!!
3. maybe (hopefully) getting a second car (?)
4. being more and more blessed with God's provision in finances and relationships
4 Bloggers I am tagging
1. Amity
2. Ashley
3. Amanda Etter
4. Missie
Posted by
1:49 PM
Thursday, May 1, 2008
update on the eye
deron's doing great! i have a somewhat interest in things medical, so i thought i'd let everyone else in on how the bruise is healing... plus bruises can just be so colorful!
Posted by
3:07 PM