Friday, May 2, 2008

tagged again.

okay, okay. since kara AND blaire tagged me this time, i guess i'd better keep it going...

4 jobs I have had in my life:
1. secretary at High-Tech Fotosign- my first REAL job
2. paid soloist at FUMC Abilene
3. cleaning lady at champions
4. file-clerk at 3 cardiovascular surgeons' office
4 movies I have watched more than once:
1. Dead Poet's Society
2. 13 Going on 30
3. Cars (the bug's current fave)
4. Toy Story 2 (the bug's old fave)
4 Places I have lived:
1. on Bunker Hill (I)
2. on Rogers (I)
3. on Beechwood (A)
4. on Woodard (A)
4 TV shows I watch:
1. LOST (did you see last night??)
2. Dragon (Sat AM)
3. My Friend Rabbit (Sat AM)
4. the News
4 Places I have been:
1. Vancouver, BC (honeymoon!)
2. Toronto
3. Mexico City
4. Beaver Lake, AR (many many many times)
4 of my favorite foods:
1. ice cream sundaes
2. pizza
3. stuffed chicken marsala
4. garlic bread
4 Places I would like to visit:
1. europe
2. asia
3. south america
4. africa (not to mention australia and antarctica, too)
4 Things I am looking forward to in the coming year
1. having another little one
2. graduating next May!!
3. maybe (hopefully) getting a second car (?)
4. being more and more blessed with God's provision in finances and relationships
4 Bloggers I am tagging
1. Amity
2. Ashley
3. Amanda Etter
4. Missie

1 comment:

Erin said... that a pregnancy announcement???

let's do pizza soon!