We just got back from a short, but great camping trip sans kids with some of the awesome young couples from our church. It wasn't far away, and all of our amenities would make some really question our calling it "camping"(who says you can't bring a coffeepot or an oscillating fan? It's June in West Texas, for goodness sake!), but we slept in tents, had a fire, and had a lot of fun! It was the first of hopefully many excursions like this, and was so happy at the turn-out. Here are a few pictures from the weekend...
Saturday, June 21, 2008
firewood, farkle, and fuddy-duddys
Posted by
7:18 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
it's hot outside
but i love being outside! here are some things we've been up to:
the future roger federer? perhaps.

Posted by
4:30 PM
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
wednesday thoughts
The summer has brought an unexpected busyness into our lives. Here, I thought with our last final would bring and endless supply of lazy hot afternoons and evenings that are only accompanied by lemonade, swimming pools, and breezes. We've surely had our share of swimming pools, since our church just bought a swim club adjacent to our current property, and Philip is part-managing it. But it seems like once you have a child (and I'm sure it only grows with each additional child), summers don't slow down as they once did when YOU were a child. I remember longing to go back to school come mid-July. After my birthday hit, Beaver Lake was swam in, and I had watched Gomer Pile and The Beverly Hilbillies more than 35 times (once each afternoon right at lunchtime), there practically was no reason for summer anymore. I am enjoying not getting up at 6am every morning to take Philip to school, and not driving close to 500 miles every week back and forth in our smallish town. Sure saves on gas money, too. I guess I'm just ready for a little getaway, a little vacation to really start this summer off.
My father-in-law is about to leave again overseas this weekend. For those of you who don't know, this would be numero tres in about 3 years. He's built for it, that's for sure. It's exciting seeing my family, my extended family that is, at our church week after week. I'm abounding with exuberance knowing that the plans that God has in store for them are coming closer and closer. Isn't it wonderful knowing that God's will for His children are for good things and that putting His kingdom at a priority position in your life will actually change circumstances and fulfill a part of your life that is vacant. And I'm not just talking salvation here. Salvation is the foundation, but God wants us to live an abundant life... with meaning and direction and joy. I hope these words don't just look like "christianese" to people. There really is such depth to the heart of God. Oh, how I long for people to walk in their destiny in Christ.
We've been playing MarioKart and Super Mario Galaxy for the Wii lately. It's so fun, and Deron loves watching it about as much... no, more than pretty much everything. We have to limit his watching time... hehe.
I bought a bottle of cleaner today from a door-to-door salesman. I can't believe it. I never would have thought I would. I don't regret the purchase, it just surprised me that I did. Supposedly it will clean anything (glass, your car, calcium buildup, paint, permanent marker, etc, etc, etc.). It's organic and non-toxic, and one bottle will last you for a whole year. I am officially intrigued and pumped about cleaning now. I plan to start with the bathroom tomorrow, maybe then I'll wash the windows and the oven... ooh, then maybe wash the car. I certainly will let you know if my purchase was for naught or the next item on my "gotta tell my friends" list.
Philip's birthday was Sunday. He got a nice new grill among other things (including a "1-up" shirt with a tasteful green 1-up mushroom from the legendary Mario games. Our nephew Noah got that for him. :) Since I caught a stomach bug last Saturday, our planned fun-day was postponed until later. Hopefully this Saturday will be the day...
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3:30 PM
new stuff
With the financial summer that has been happening in the Crumpton household , we've been able to make some purchases that I've anticipated making for, oh, 4 years or so. It's been so exciting to invest in building our home, and my sweet husband has been really understanding in all things "woman". There are still a few things that we are thinking about buying, but there is definitely time to think and process.
We've never bought furniture (with the exception of our dining room table after our wedding), so this is especially exciting. One couch and chair were given to me in college by Erin and Clark (remember those?), the other couch was given to us only a few years ago, but it was HUGE and wasn't much to look at.
Our new bedding...

We're still searching for the right coffeetable and other pieces for the room, but this rug, being smaller, shows off the gorgeous hardwood. This is the chair I'm wanting, but we're still thinking about the price... I want a chair that's comfortable and unique. It's hard living in Abilene though, where there's not a lot of selection. This was found online. I'm debating whether to wait until my next trip to Dallas, or just buy it online and hope for the best...

Thank you, God for your abundant blessings...
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2:59 PM