So here is the update from the trip to Detroit, MI. To try to explain the ministry of Kingdom Global, you have to know the names Larry and Devi Titus. The purpose of KGM is to relationally mentor, resource, and release the vision of global leaders. Larry was my pastor's pastor years ago, and that is our connection to him. This conference was called World Connect, and quite literally, nations were truly connected from across the globe. I've never been surrounded by such spiritual "giants", or heard so many languages in my life. And it was inspiring and amazing. As soon as we arrived, we were reminded that this was just one big family reunion, and to treat it as such. When we said our goodbyes on Sunday afternoon, it really did feel like we were saying goodbye to friends that we will have for a lifetime, because they share a deep rooted passion for the Kingdom to advance around the world.
The format was unique. We sat around round tables in no particular order and talked with missionaries and pastors and leaders who many of them are in the darkest places of the world. Philip and I met a man, "Pastor Sanga" was his nickname, from Bangladesh. This was his first time in America. I'm not certain how he came in contact with Pastor Larry, but he was there nonetheless. He spoke very broken English (as did many of them), and told us about what was going on in his area. I'm not sure how he receieved the gospel, but I do know, and saw pictures of him preaching to half-naked men, women, and children, seeing him baptizing them in rivers, and I was stunned at the poverty that he was coming from. He goes to and fro preaching the gospel and seeing family after family, person after person get saved and come to know Jesus. How amazing....
A couple was there from New Guinea. They've been serving the Lord for many many years, and have planted more than 1,000 churches. 1,000. They've seen half of the island of Vanuatu (off the coast of Australia) saved and come to know the God of the Universe.
There was a man we knew from Haiti, Benite Jeune, who is building an orphanage in the area where he lives... a major need for this country. He also has seen many many souls saved and brought into the Kingdom.
We heard story after story of the things God is doing all over the world. Philip and I got to have lunch with our pastor Richard Humphries, Benite, and Akiva Cohen- another "friend" who lives in Isreal. He's a messianic Jew and excited about Jesus and the things He is doing. It was wonderfully interesting to hear his perspective and another man who we met, a former Muslim who still lives in Turkey, talk about how to reach Jews and Muslims for the Kingdom of God. I'll give you a hint: love them and don't push them. It is their identity you're dealing with, and they need to be intrigued by the hope you have in Christ.
There were men and women who we spoke to from several countries in Africa: Kenya, Liberia, Ghana, and others. A man from India whose churches are experiencing terrible persecution. Twin singers who live in Brazil, who were formerly signed by Virgin Records, and now sing for God's glory. And of course, several pastors and leaders from our country who have made a connection with KGM and share a passion for reaching the world. Are you getting inspired? ah... the Body of Christ is beautiful.
Here are some pictures from the event. I have so much to tell, and most of the pictures don't even depict what was really going on during the days, but oh well. Enjoy them still.

This group was talented. Not necessarily for their vocals, but their passion for God is inspirational. It was great to experience their music.
beautiful dancing.

1 comment:
Looks like you two had a great time!
I love all the pictures!
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