So school has begun again and life has gone back to hectic and busy. At least my road to finishing school has a bright shining light at the end that I feel oh-so close to now. Every week I tell myself, "1 more down, _ to go..." I keep telling Philip that too, but for some reason, I think he has it a bit harder than I. He is, after all a full-time student, has a full-time job, and has to do all that other stuff that comes with both of those things. Every semester after the first week or so, he always looks at me in near agony at the thought of doing this for another 3 semesters... "you can do it!", I always tell him. So, pray for him (and me). It's a hard time, but we'll get through it. One great thing about this semester is that I have a class that goes until 645 on Thursdays, and he'll be waiting until I get out (he has a class that lets out at 600), and since his mom watched the bug, we have a planned date night every week, just us. I think that will be our saving grace through these next several months.
All of you should be SO proud. I did, in fact join a gym, and let it be known that I have gone every single morning (that there has not been a significant reason) since I joined! Philip asked me what my goals were when I started, and before any weight loss or muscle toning, etc are set in place, my first goal was to just get in a routine of going. They say it takes 6 weeks to form a habit of something, and I'm quickly nearing that mark. Yea! I love it.
Tues- weighttraining (BodyPump),
Wed- cardio (BodyStep),
Thurs- weighttraining (BodyPump),
Fri- cardio (RPM) & then strength afterwards (BodyFlow *a mixture of yoga, tai chi and pilates*)

Well, there's an update for all of you. Hope you've enjoyed all the recent videos and pictures of our precious little man... he's growing up so fast. Lately, he's really been into Blue's Clues. I mean, really into it. We find clues all day and draw them in his handy dandy notebook, and we "blueskadoowecantoo" over every threshold in the house (and outside), and we sing "here's the mail it never fails, it makes me want to wag my tail, when it comes i want to wail, MAAAAAAAAIL!" over and over (with dancing, of course), yadda yadda yadda... Even as I type, I hear, "Baaalue skadoo, we can too!" as he walks into the kitchen... ha!
Be blessed, everyone.
Good ole blue... we sure do miss Steve around here - Joe's just not the same...
Congrats on the gym routine! I'm proud of you and encouraged to ramp back up in my getting fit goals.
I can't wait to hear about your conference in Oct.
totally agree. steve rocks. joe=spare. i trusted steve. i really believed steve wanted to find clues. i sometime think we are just a stop on joe's way to the next kegger.....but that's just me.
side note: i heart the mail song (i think more than the kids).
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