I had another sonogram last Thursday, everything went great! Let me just say, this doctor who I go to solely for ultrasounds is a fast one. He doesn't dilly-dally around or really explain too much (unfortunately). After the last one I had with him at 21 weeks, I knew I'd have to request the pictures that I wanted or I'd get another that no one can decipher! (not even his office workers who are trained could tell what we were looking at)! You're guess is as good as mine... I think it's his face, the circle being an eye cavity, but it's just a bad picture.
This time, literally as soon as he put the thing on my belly, he said, "looks good!" and started measuring everything. The whole thing only last about 7 minutes, and I was trying to stall him by asking questions. Oh well, I know our little Jude is healthy and growing perfectly, so I'm happy. Here's a picture!

I told you guys I would change my mind as far as bedding goes. For some reason, I just wasn't settled with the monkey theme. I just don't think it'll be Baby Jude's personality. Does that sound weird? If it were Deron, definitely the monkeys, but Jude just seems like he'll be more docile, more sweet, serene and snuggly. So, when I saw this online a few weeks ago, it clicked. Plus, it's organic cotton and cheaper! 2 great points! So anyway, the deer is what we're going with. Some people love it, some don't as much, but as my mom would always say, "to each his own!"

This little guy is really moving around a lot and his kicks are getting harder and harder. I don't quite remember that with Deron. Bug had hiccups at least twice a day everyday, but his "kicks" felt more like nudges. This little dude has some force behind them! Isn't it strange how every baby is different. God is so creative. Understatement of the day.
I LIKE the deer bedding! And what an awesome sonogram picture! :)
I love it!! I saw it and nodded to myself. "Yep, it fits baby Jude." ;) It's not weird at all for you to know what will fit his personality--I'd expect it from you! =D I'm so excited to get to meet this little one.
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