I just got done looking through all the old posts I've made on this blog. What fun memories! Sometimes you truly forget how much kids grow. It's fun and at the same time a little sad. I am so thrilled for August to come. Today Jude had hiccups. How amazing is that?! Deron had hiccups a lot in my tummy, and when I look at pictures of him as a newborn it makes me yearn for the day this new bundle will arrive. I can't wait to watch through tears my Love holding our little creation in his big arms. And I can only imagine the insurmountable joy that will overtake me when I see my Bug hold him for the first time and point out features all over his little body.
Trimester #3 has brought old friends back. Primarily heartburn and gas. But we have some new arrivals: uncomfortable sleep and smushed tummy syndrome. But again, it's all worth it. I'm so glad to be pregnant with a healthy baby.
New cravings:
Cookie Dough.
(Not your well-balanced diet, huh.)

At least I'm going to the gym again. Yay! I've missed it actually. Primarily I've been hitting up BodyFlow and just working on the elliptical on off days. I tried BodyPump last Tuesday and got really sore, unfortunately. It's just too easy to push myself and I don't want to overdo anything. As Philip keeps reminding me, "This is my baby too." I feel like I'm being a lot more careful this time around at least. With Deron, I helped move my in-laws and did a lot of heavy lifting (stupid). Oh well, 4 years of wisdom helps a little I guess. I'm just so glad to be back in a gym schedule. I need to try out water aerobics again, too. The old people are fun!
Did you know that we are only a few days apart on our due dates?
Love your cravings... mine have been in reverse, like, things I used to love, just don't sound good anymore. Gone are the days I could eat pizza for lunch and dinner.
Love you!
I knew we were close, but I didn't know it was THAT close! That's fun!
Oh no... pizza is out for me. Gives me such bad indigestion. I can't wait for those days to be back though. :)
You look adorable, by the way!
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