Wednesday, July 16, 2008

happy birthday to me!

My birthday is Saturday, and my mother in law just blessed me with an awesome outdoor furniture collection for the back porch! We were both happy because she got her porch swing back (the one that had an awful squeak and worn out cushions and no shade anymore)... but she loves that thing! Isn't it beautiful!!? and oh so comfy...

oh! and bear has been found! sure enough, he just showed up in one of the toy bins that we looked through yesterday at the gym... yea!


big D wilsons said...

love the furniture! very "katy". =)
and, i meant to comment on "lost bear", but it hit a little too close to home.
i cannot imagine losing doo, papi or blanky. ugh. the agony.
yay for bear coming home.
i think he just wanted a longer workout than you guys. =)

Missie said...

So happy for bear making it home.
He just wanted to play for a little while.
And, your furniture is fantastic. Love it!

Ashley said...

Katy! I love the furniture...and praise the Lord about BEAR. He cares about EVERY detail...He's so amazing.
Can't wait to see you soon! Oh, and Happy Birthday!

Missie said...

I missed your birthday, but thought of you on Saturday!
I hope your 26th year is blessed beyond measure! Love you friend.