Philip and I went a couple of weeks ago to a marriage conference at Gateway Church in Southlake with guest speakers Gary and Greg Smalley. It was quite good, but the best thing was being able to relax and enjoy some alone time in a nice hotel with my hubby. How often does that happen?? My parents were gracious enough to let Deron play at their house for a few days, and he was sure excited because he got to ride the train for the first time and, of course loved it thoroughly. Here's some pictures...
my beautiful apron erin made me for my birthday!!!
our hotel room

CHEESECAKE FACTORY! Love their mocha coffee and Godiva cheesecake.
I'm glad you guys had such a great time! Seriously, what hotel did you stay at???
And Katy, you are so stinkin' cute! I wish you would pick out clothes for me!
Um, you came to my neck of the woods, and didn't bother to see me! Just wait till I come back to Clyde! Looks like you guys had a great time. Can't wait to see you again.
Um, you cam to my neck of the woods, and didn't bother to say hi! Looks like you guys had a great time. Hope to see you soon!
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