Happy Birthday, Deron! My little man turned 4 on March 30th, but we have yet to have his party. It's been rescheduled for this Sunday, because what else, Philip and I came down with pink eye! I haven't had this stuff since I was like 6! The weirder thing is that the bug didn't get it. Just us. Go figure.
Celebrating with his complimentary ColdStone Birthday treat!

His birthday cookies. These are his favorite!

Playing with Gordon and James, his new trains he's been asking for since Christmas.

Easter 2009
(donning my glasses because of the pink eye)
Deron's still in a "too cool for looking at the camera" phase.

I love Spring! The warmer weather, hearing the birds sing to me again all day long. (There is a certain mockingbird that lives in our front pecan tree that likes to get up around 5am and begin vocalizing- every year.) Since Philip's grandparent's used to live in this house and his grandma is quite allergic to most growing things, she laid rocks down in this planter outside the front of our house. And since I just can't have a perfectly good opportunity for flowers go to waste, Deron and I decided to "make our garden grow". ($5 if you can name the operetta that's from) We had fun, and who couldn't pass up $.68 flowers at Lowe's! We got there on a good day!

Yes, he's in his jammies. It was a relaxing day.

What a gardener! He's always loved planting flowers and watering them. Look at that concentration!

Voila! I'm hoping these will branch out and fill in the whole planter. And hopefully they'll flower all Spring and Summer long!

His face was so serious in that picture - it cracks me up! Happy late birthday Deron!
For the record, I believe I sang "Make Our Garden Grow" when I was a freshman at ACU. OR maybe I was just supposed to sing it...I can't remember. I knew it was Leonard Bernstein, but I couldn't remember the name of the operetta until I googled it. So, I suppose I can't claim the $5, but I did know the song. :)
nothing wrong with staying in jammies all day! :)
and Deron looks so cute in the picture of him watering the flowers.
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