Saturday we took the boys out for a little tennis. Deron's doing well! (He just needs a racket that's not bigger than he is.) It was such a beautiful morning and I can't wait to be able to REALLY play once I'm all healed up! And Philip's even taking tennis as a P.E. this semester, so he's brushing up on his game too! Sweet!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Posted by
9:06 PM
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Aunt D came to town (and first day of pre-k!)
Last week Aunt D came to town! She was a HUGE help and we just plain had fun, too! While she was here, Deron started Pre-K, and Philip started his first day of his LAST SEMESTER!!!! (Please rise for the Hallelujah Chorus...) I actually woke up feeling quite pitiful, so my wonderful hubby urged me to stay home. So sad! He took some sweet pictures of their trip up to school though. He's done well academically (I had NO doubts)... the things they're learning he already knows, but it's good for him to review. One fun thing he is learning is Bible verses! Last week he just spouted off Genesis 1:1 to me at lunch. Let me tell you what a proud mama I was when I heard the Word coming out of my babe's mouth! Yes! It's Monday and he's already learned this week's verse- John 1:3. By the end of the year they will have learned around 26 verses! Unfortunately, I think that might be more than what I can quote- I'm excited to learn along with him.
Diane's visit was mostly just filled with normal stuff we do around here. We went to church together, hung out on Monday while I didn't feel well, Tuesday we ran errands and stopped at Starbucks for a nice sisterly chat with the baby (who got lots of ooh's and ahh's, I might add), and went to the pool later that day.
2 nights in a row she also took the 2am feeding!!! I felt like a new woman getting to sleep 6 to 7 hours straight with no baby in the room! Thanks, D.
It was great spending time with you, sis. I love you!
Posted by
10:36 PM
the early weeks
Sorry it's been so long. Life has been a bit different, needless to say, in the past 3 1/2 weeks! (Truthfully though, I've been trying my darndest to upload some fantastic videos of Deron playing his new favorite game, "America's Got Talent", but our uploading speed is painfully slow, and I think our computer gets so tired with such a huge file that it just throws in the towel and quits.) So, I have tried, but you'll just have to let your minds go wild about the cute game he's made up. Sorry. :)
The first week home was, well, boring. Don't get me wrong, it was great to have my love around most of the day to help out and have yummy meals brought to our home by caring friends for a few nights. And Deron got to spend every morning with his grandmama, including his first fishing trip, which helped tremendously! But I'm not much of a homebody and since I was taking exciting medicine, I couldn't drive myself anywhere. I got so bored seeing the one living space in our house and only being able to stand for 5 minutes at a time.
That was one facet. Emotions were the next train that hit me. I don't know if this was really the case, but I don't remember the rollercoaster after Deron was born. I was not prepared! Crying for no reason, disheartened at anything difficult, frustrated and glee-filled all at the same time... yikes. Thank goodness my husband is as awesome as he is. I really think he knows me better than myself sometimes. He would just hug me and make me realize that my hormones have just taken a huge hit, and I'm normal. Thanks, honey. I love you.
Here are some pictures!
Posted by
10:13 PM
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The arrival: Jude Owen Crumpton
So here's the story, I know I love hearing the details, so here it goes!
Wednesday night we took Philip to my mother-in-laws house as usual so we could have our usual weekly date night (no sense in not having one the day before such a BIG day!). We had a nice light dinner together dreaming of what our new little one would look like, sound like, act like, etc, and came home. My parents shortly thereafter came into town and stayed with us overnight. 3:30 am came quite early the next morning, and Philip and I got up, dressed, and headed to the hospital. We were checked in and I was prepped in a storage closet of a room (seriously). It was rather humorous, gray paint stripped off the metal door of the bathroom, an old extra laptop on a cart in the corner of the room, big plastic storage bins mounted to the wall, gray linoleum instead of hardwood floors like the rest of the wing. I was surprised I had a clean bed. But they apologized and said they were completely full- only having one birthing room open, reserved for someone that might come in in labor. We understood, knowing we wouldn't be there for long.
I got wheeled into the OR a couple hours later, making the comment, "how can you not get nervous coming in to a room like this?" with all the white, sterile machines, two giant chrome lights above a single tiny table in the middle, doctors and nurses buzzing around with masks already on their faces... I leaned over for my spinal which didn't go in properly, was quite painful and got Philip queezy. He had to sit down and be brought juice to regain his stomach. The anesthesiologist took over (for the nurse anesthetist) and succeeded without much pain on my end (thankfully). Then began the strangest procedure I've ever experienced in my life. If you have never had surgery while awake before- there's nothing like it. I knew what was going on down below the curtain, but could not feel a thing! I kept telling Philip (who was fine now, and holding my hand), "This is so weird! So weird!" I was talking to the doctor and nurses the whole time, asking them what was this sound and that, etc.
Then it came. The most wonderful, heart-capturing sound God created: my baby's cry. I hadn't heard it with Deron because I was under general anesthesia for the c-section. There is no way to explain the joy I felt hearing Jude's cry: absolutely amazing. Instant tears flooded my eyes. They held him over the curtain so I could see him and he immediately stopped crying. We looked at each other for an hour-long instant. A beautiful moment. Then they cleaned him up, weighed him (7 lbs, 9oz), and gave him to Philip to show me again. Then Philip left with Jude and the nurses to the nursery for more cleaning as they finished sewing me up. I continued to make small talk with the staff as I laid there on the table. We talked about how we hated Walmart and loved Target and wished there was a Super Target in town. The nurses all commented on my tan and how cute my toes were, also. YES! That's what a woman wants to hear when she's naked, cut open, and just had a baby. Thank you pedicure!! haha...
Recovery was, recovery. Then off to the nursery to see my newborn Jude. They wouldn't let me have him in the room yet because he was breathing fast (normal, but watched in c-section babies). Philip was filling me in on how calm he was during the first exams, laying there interested and peaceful. His countenance we knew before we had ever seen him. They finally brought him in my room around 1pm. Everyone had gone to eat lunch or let me rest, so I got some time to spend with Jude all alone. This was so special! I fell in love all over again!
The rest of the day was spent, on my end, trying to stay awake and somewhat coherent (the morphine was doing a doozy on me!) while we had many visitors and family come meet Baby Jude and congratulate us. The first night was actually great! We decided to have Jude stay in the nursery and come in for feedings. This allowed Philip and I to get some MUCH needed rest during the night. Day #2 was great as well, getting a shower, eating real food, and getting more rest. We got to come home yesterday (Day #3), and are enjoying our new family of 4. It's so much fun!
Here are pictures of our week. Enjoy!
Showing Jude to the grandparents and brother.
Getting to hold him for the first time!
Hey Jude!
Holding my two sons
Brotherly love. He seriously has been this affectionate since he came!
Ok, this is a funny one. I was really excited to have real food again and have taken a shower. I was "woohoo-ing". It was a great chicken salad sandwich!
See his shirt? It reads "I have arrived"....home, that is. :) I thought it was appropriate and cute!
Posted by
11:32 AM
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
floors swept and mopped : check
dishes done : check
laundry done : check
dusting done : check
bathrooms cleaned : check
ceiling fans washed and dusted : check (happened weeks ago, but still a part of the nesting process)
baseboards cleaned : check (another "had to get done" chore... haha)
yard mowed and edged, flowers watered, birdbath filled : check
garage cleaned and organized : check
trash taken out : check
everyone's bags packed : check
pedicure : check
carseat in van : check
van vacuumed and washed : check
date tonight : 6pm
It feels a little strange. Almost like leaving for vacation. Is everything really ready? I think it is. I feel like I'm forgetting things, but really, who cares? I have 16 hours until I am holding my new bundle in my arms! I am so terribly excited I just can't stand it! I see Deron getting excited too. He's been counting down the days on the calendar since last week. And Philip- oh, his heart is jumping for another little boy to hold!
So, tomorrow, while you are sleeping soundly probably, we will be getting ready and heading up to the hospital to begin yet another new chapter in our lives. Yay!!!
If you are wanting to visit us, please do! (Philip has announced that we will be having various themed parties in our room every 2 hours. Silly hubby...) Feel free to call his cell or mine to make sure I'm not zonked out. (Being ANYWHERE at 5am can take it out of ya.) Watch facebook for updates, or if you are lucky enough, you might even receive a text when little Mr. Crumpton makes his arrival!!
Posted by
3:27 PM
Monday, August 3, 2009
my last Monday with only 1
3 days left... if I make it.
Today I'm incredibly tired. Went to the grocery store this morning and it completely depleted my energy! After lunch I started feeling contractions again (but this is the only time Philip has said that this is what he remembers right before Deron was born... the face, the "sick" feeling, just general discomfort). With all of the "this is it" moments I've had, I'm just finally waiting it out. Thursday is the day at the latest, and that's just fine with me. :)
But with the wondering today, I had to get a few things done! Laundry got started again, dishes got cleaned, floors need to be swept and mopped still, bathrooms cleaned, important calls made, shower taken.
But I'm just too tired now. Must relish the time the bug is "napping". He's not actually sleeping, since every 10 minutes I hear, "Can I get up now?!" But having the only sound in the house be the AC is definitely welcome.
And here I blog...
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2:31 PM